Dev Blog

Development Blog for all updates regarding the Goallinestats page!

GLS Summer Update

Written by JJ Glover on May 18, 2024

Another summer season is upon us!

Over the winter, the focus of development was towards adding some new statistical splits for both team and player stats. This new feature can provide some useful, and fun, stats for everyone.

However, look of the site still doesn't have a polished look that I'm hoping for. Over the summer, I'm hoping to have some time to start making the site more visually appealing. This will involve looking at all of the various tables on the site and revamping the interface. The schedule/results page needs some significant work, and the various home pages could use some design changes to be more appealing.

As these changes get made, the site may end up with some more bugs in the early going. Try to bear with me as I work through it all and hopefully by the end of summer, have a site that looks professional and ready for the winter league.

New Winter Season - New Features!

Written by JJ Glover on Oct 30, 2023

Its time for the start of the 2023-24 Winter Season and with that some new features for the GoalLineStats Project!

New Stats Splits!

You can breakdown team and player performance by various splits such as home vs away, weekday vs weekend, start times, location, and more. Right now, you can only look at your team or player's historical performance, but I'll be looking to integrate it into division, level, and league statistics, both for a current season and all-time. I know everyone wants to know who has the all-time best record at Tria.

Revamped backend

The login system has also been revamped and the backend has been mostly revamped as well. There are some more formatting tools if you wanted to post game recaps, team updates, and more. You'll also have the ability to add in a profile picture. If you had login privileges before, you'll need to signup again in this new system.

Postseason Update Plan

Written by JJ Glover on Apr 30, 2023

Hey Goallinestats! Congrats to everyone on finishing up the 2022-23 Winter Season and congratulations in particular to the champions this season.

I wanted to post some updates on what will be happening during this offseason at Goallinestats. There are two areas of focus that will be looked at. The first area of improvement will focus on revamping the stats tables and providing more options when looking for specific stats. I'm talking about adding things like home/away splits, arena splits, late vs early game splits, and others. Many of these are straight forward and could appear soon. Other stats such as leading after 1 or trailing after 2 records could take some more effort from a programming perspective. These stats will apply to both team and player stats, and will be applied at the season and all-time levels. In addition to splits, I'll be adding things like goal/points streaks and shutout streaks as well.

The second update will apply to the login portion of the site. The login process itself will add in integration with google and other platforms to make the process easier. The backend will be getting an overhaul to allow for an easier time for submitting game recaps, team and player updates, etc. The way these updates are displayed will be revamped as well. In C1, myself and another team are posting video recaps/game replays and I'm hoping that with the right adjustments, more teams and players will add more content.

Happy offseason! We'll see you during the Summer Session!

Integrating Team Colors and Images

Written by JJ Glover on Feb 07, 2023

The first pass of a front-end revamp is largely completed for the site. To start things off, I've pulled off some colors from each team's logo and applied them into a team's CSS data. With that information and some additional coding on the team pages, its now possible to customize the colors of each team website. I've gone ahead and started to apply that coloring to the standings table and each team page. When the backend rework is completed, team captains will be able to go in and adjust team colors and logos as needed.

In addition to adding team colors, I've discovered that each team has a variety of sizes of team logos beyond the two that are used with the AHA site. I'm hoping to integrate them into parts of the site as part of a graphics overhaul.

Finally, I'll be changing the look of the news portion of the site to make it more engaging for anyone who has video recaps, images of the game, or written game recaps and team news in an effort to make the site more engaging for a community on top of the statistics side of things.

Bug fixes and roster pics

Written by JJ Glover on May 24, 2021

If you've been going through the site, there was a whole host of bad links from various points that I hadn't dealt with before. All of those should now be fixed. In addition, the filtering options attached to the player stats and team stats sites should now be working appropriately. The website name in the title should now be showing appropriately as well.

In addition, I've added the first of the game recaps and adjusted the CSS to make it easier to get into. There will be more game recap updates, including what's shown on the season/level/team homepages. I've also added my picture on the roster page. Eventually the roster page should have pictures that people submit along with the preferred position. Currently only the goalies are designated.

Revamping the Look

Written by JJ Glover on May 12, 2021

Its been a while since I've been able to work on the Goallinestats website. There's just been too much else going on. However, with all the updates I've applied to the backend, I think its time the interface got a little love as well.

I'll be looking to apply some changes to all of the data charts found in the player/team stats page. There will be some layout changes as well to make the website more visually appealing both on PC and on mobile. The new framework on the backend also makes it easier to enable a dark mode, so I'll be looking to add that on as well.

In addition to the general pages, I plan on adding some color customization to the team pages as well to give each team a custom look where ever they show up on the site. If there's time, I'll also add trophy case for championship teams to display.

Finally, I'll be updating the player portal page as well to enable players to add their own images, teams can add player positions to the roster, and anyone can add a game recap or team update.

Backend updates and data download complete

Written by JJ Glover on May 11, 2020

Hello fellow hockey players! I hope everyone is staying safe during this time.

I'm pleased to report that the backend updates have been completed. This will help improve error detection and eventually make data reporting automatic.

The backend updates along with AHA updates have allowed me to download more precise data in assigning statistics appropriately. The exposure of historical data allowed for the import of all game data that the AHA website was able to show.

Note that some shot totals won't match AHA's numbers as any time missing shots a fake number is put in its place. Forfeits also affect player goal counts, as only the team will be getting a goal.

I hope everyone enjoys these changes!

Stay safe!

Database changes complete and the Schedule page

Written by JJ Glover on Mar 15, 2020

Its been a couple of months since the last update. I wish I could say that I've got some flashy new things coming, but that won't happen for some time yet.

Not fun backend updates

Written by JJ Glover on Dec 10, 2019

With the AHA's new site and new possibilities, I've been working on getting Goallinestats underlying database model to take advantage of the new player id's and historical information. I've got sections built up that will make season start up and syncing team roster's easier.

Based on that cursory look, I'll most likely be doing some remodeling on all levels of the backend code. This will give me more powerful tools both in league structure management and for importing game information.

Sadly, by doing these things, it'll probably look like I'm doing anything on the development side. I promise I am working on things! Once the importing code for both roster syncing and game fetch is up to date, the site will have the same level of data as the AHA site, with the usual compliment of statistics. I'm hopeful that there will actually be more statistics for highlighting things like scoring streaks and goalie save streaks.

New AHA site and what this means for Goallinestats!

Written by JJ Glover on Nov 10, 2019

The AHA has rolled out a new website! Its got a new look along with historical stats at the player, team, and league levels. If you haven't yet, you should definitely check it out!

One of the biggest new features is the player stat page, which also features all the teams that a player plays on. This feature should now be the primary source for that information. Goallinestats could only utilize a player's name to try and guess at which teams they played on, and common names made it difficult.

With the new features, the AHA site does take over a lot of features that Goallinestats held, and does them better. But this doesn't mean this site is going away. The direction of Goallinestats is to be a bit more player oriented, complete with the ability for players and teams to provide recaps, updates and articles, videos, and images for the AHA hockey world to enjoy.

The AHA site creating player pages exposes player ids, something that was impossible on the old site. This is going to allow Goallinestats to mirror the accuracy of player assignments on the official site. The backbone can easily add in the AHA player ids, but syncing a season already in progress will take some time.

The AHA showing historical stats on the standings page is also big news for Goallinestats. The biggest barrier to pulling in historical data was the lack of data at the team and league level. Now that this is visible, Goallinestats will be able to mirror the AHA site.

The AHA site has made a lot of progress with its new site! Player and historical stats are game changers. Goallinestats will now have to step up to the bar the AHA has set with the data, and then add on some of the social networking that can give players an outlet to connect and communicate with each other.

Setting Goals for 2019

Written by JJ Glover on Jan 19, 2019

Happy 2019 everyone!

I've been away for a while working on some other projects...Things like creating a website for a fake baseball league...important things!

However, that project is in a good place, so its time for me to come back to the Goallinestats project!

Priority one is going to be social media aspects. There will be improvements to the news submission pages and I'll be investigating twitter hook-ins so that game recap pages can automatically pull in any pictures that were posted during the game.

Priority two will be some captain tools. The big one will be to create a list of subgoalies that have played at a team's level, and their schedule for that day so you know which ones already have a game to play.

Priority three will be to redo the main site to incorporate the social media changes above.

If you have any recommendations for me, let me know at glov0044@goallinestats!

Work on the News End, More Bug Squashing

Written by JJ Glover on Nov 11, 2018

Hey everyone! Hope you've had a good first couple of weeks in the Winter Season!

On my end, I've been working on the GLS News Network. I've started with the login side of things. For starters, you can see at the top that its accessible again. I forgot to put it back in when transitioning the site to its new platform. I've adjusted the look a bit and how it handles different inputs. In short, it should be working again.

Next I'll be working on the news input page. I'll be looking to add new tools to it. For team captains, I'll be looking to add the ability to assign positions to players on your team, and possibly even line combinations. At some point, I'd like to combine line combinations with game results where those combos have been used. It wouldn't be perfect but analytics never are. Finally, I'd also give captains the ability to see all sub goalies that have played at their team's level and whether they are available based on if they are a starter.

I've also been bug hunting a bit. I found a player attribute bug, so its possible that players with the same last name on a team have been getting more/less goals than usual. If that's the case, let me know and I'll manually correct them.

The schedule page is also fixed so it goes automatically to today's games with buttons to go today or yesterday's results. The schedule page in grid mode will no longer show more than one day's worth of games for the remainder of the regular season.

Getting ready for Winter

Written by JJ Glover on Oct 26, 2018

Hello everyone! After the last update and site upgrade I kinda took a break from programming and have been slow to get back at it. And just like my hockey game, its going to take a bit to adjust.

The login section is the first on the list of updates I'm planning on. I wanted to give the site a bit of a social media twist to the site and encourage more submissions, game recaps and team updates and the like.

A blog system has also been started. I migrated all my previous dev notes into this system. Apparently I've been at this a while! In the coming months, I'm looking to have articles come out regarding different elements of the game. It can serve as educational (god knows I could use some goalie pointers) or entertainment. I'm looking for ideas and contributors so let me know if you are interested!

Finally, I've decided to create a pay-what-you-want portal for this project. This site is a passion project for me and I won't be adding annoying ads or forcing people to pay a any sort of fee to go with the high cost of hockey. This will simply be a way for me to offset some costs and maybe buy a beer afterwards. If you just want to email me that you are using the site and have some suggestions, I appreciate that even more!

Anyways, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Winter Season! I'm excited for the future of this site and how it will turn out!

4/5/18 - Welcome to the Playoffs, Updates to my Dev Setup

Written by JJ Glover on Apr 05, 2018

Congrats to all the teams that made it to the AHA Winter Season Playoffs! Sadly, my Sting did not qualify this year but this just means I can work on the website!

During the playoffs, there won't be many changes to the website for now. During this time, I'm working on upgrading my development setup. Up to now, for the most part coding and testing was done on the website you access. Everything has been programmed manually, some of it a long time ago.

This whole project is a learning experience for me to add programming experience to the resume that my job doesn't provide. With version 1 of the site largely complete, I've decided to overhaul the site using a proper development environment. So, I'll be testing new features in a dev branch on my own (without ruining your experience in the process). I'll be implementing new CSS and JS frameworks to hopefully streamline the site, both in looks and loading times. I'll also be upgrading aspects of the backend as well.

By the start of the summer season, I hope that the site will be showing off some new looks. By winter, we'll have a site that is very close to a professional hockey website with just a touch of flare.

Until then, good luck to everyone in the playoffs!

Recaps, News, Blogs, and more

Written by JJ Glover on Mar 21, 2018

Some new changes! Images are being integrated into the desktop site. The roster page and the player stat leaders now include player images. Team images are added to team rankings as well. Team and possibly player images could be added to the team and player stats as well at some point.

(And the player leaders is running a bit slow at the moment. I'll need to recode it just a bit to get an improvement.

The next update will finish the first round of team and player features under the login section. The player section will allow you to add some profile updates like position and other little details. The team updates section will include the ability to select primary, secondary, and tertiary colors to go with team logo uploading. Sub-goalie lists will also be made available to team captains.

After that, the news and blog system will get an overhaul, both in CSS and design. A landing page will be created for people to add articles of their own to create different series such as instructional articles and experiences.

Finally, I've created a Trello board to organize the development. There's a lot to work on yet, and its possible that more needs to be written down, but I think this is a good start.

Logins and Images

Written by JJ Glover on Feb 02, 2018

Hey everyone! In case you were wondering, I do know that the progress on this site has remained slow despite my last update!

But hey, things have been added. A new login section has been created and promoted and we've got our first users! The login section allows people to create news articles, game recaps and previews, and player updates to be published on the site. Uploading player images has also been added as a feature.

This starts a new initiative to upgrade the CSS of the index pages (all landing pages), header pages, as well as the game recap pages. These represent the oldest of the pages I've coded (and by extension, the messiest). Now that I'm working with images, I'll be remodeling these pages to accommodate images to spruce them up.

The index page has already added team and player images. I'm looking for team images in particular as the AHA provided versions do not have transparent backgrounds, making it hard to get creative with the images. The small size of the "large" image also limit my ability to add some art to the site. I'll be looking to get .png images from teams sized at around 200x200 in order to really start making changes to the site.

Happy New Year!

Written by JJ Glover on Jan 01, 2018

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

It's been a somewhat slow year for the development of the site. However, with another project now complete, I'm looking forward to adding some new features and altering the site design to be more appealing.

The early features that are coming up involve user participation. The addition of player and team logos as well as updates and multimedia elements will dictate and create some of the CSS design changes.

A login has already been created, along with a team and player update page. It is now also possible to upload a player picture. Team logos and team custom links are next on the agenda.

The new images and logos will then be integrated with many of the pages.

Getting Started

Written by JJ Glover on Nov 10, 2017

CSS changes will continue to the base site to help with readability. There will be a focus on pre and post game sites. Team and player stats sites will also be looked at to ensure the stats tables are not leaking off the page.

However, most of the focus will be on automating the data entry process. All game stats have been entered by hand so far. This was good early on as I can determine how reliable the game reports are and what I need to account for. However, with the winter season started, this process is now taking too long. Once this has been done, I can get back to focusing on some of the more fun features this site could offer.

Getting ready for the season!

Written by JJ Glover on Oct 01, 2017

Every now and again I get an email from an AHA'er who discovers what I've been working on. Its a great feeling to see that other people might be enjoying this project.

The goal now is to get major features in place for the 2017-18 Winter Season. The statistical aspects are largely in place. However, the appearance leaves a lot to be desired. I'll be working on how the data is presenting, especially data in tables. I'll also be working to overhaul the schedule page and game recap data on the main pages.Most of my focus, however, is on a news submission page. Using this page, players and teams can contribute news stories and game recaps to be shared with others. There will also be options to share an image and youtube link to embed photos and videos. I'm hopeful that this will add a whole new dimension to the AHA community as a whole.

Of course, hockey is an emotional sport, and there's always a possibility that this community aspect will lead to heated exchanges. I'll be creating a formal policy but for now, all submissions will be vetted by me and any AHA admin will also have veto powers on anything that might go against the mission of the AHA or any of its players or teams.

I'm excited to start the new year, both for the website and the hockey season in general! Good luck in the tournaments and Go Sting Go!

Its getting social up in here

Written by JJ Glover on Jun 03, 2017

Many of the statistical components are in a good place. There are still some bugs here and there, but for the most part, its all about filtering options and looks at this point.

I'm starting to work on the next major goal of the website. I'll be providing some tools for teams and players to be able to enter information into the news and updates system. Games will allow both teams and authorized third parties to provide recaps of the game. There's already YouTube capabilities, and I'm looking for a way to imbed photo libraries for games.

CSS changes are also coming. I'm sure everyone is aware by now that I suck at generating appealing interfaces. My goal by next winter is to have a much more accessable site by the time winter comes around.

It didn't take long to fix...

Written by JJ Glover on Mar 03, 2017

Rebuilding the game data fetch tool didn't take as long as I thought. As a result, the interruption in service only lasted the weekend. Substituted an outside software program with a publicly available library and we're back in business! I also had time to create a schedule harvester as well so that I can try and detect game time and location changes to make my schedule more in sync with the AHA.

Currently I'm working on penalty shot tracking. Its an interesting problem as penalty and goal events are treated as largely seperate things. However, penalty shot goals are annotated by the AHA (or at least, no one has scored one this season...). The new code will zero out the penalty minutes and not allow a power play. Instead a Penalty Shot Allowed will tick up for both the offending team and goalie. Since no attempt is tracked, I can't provide Penalty Shot Conversions for a player, but the team will be able to calculate and players will get credit for their goals.

Next on the list is CSS and imagery. I'll be trying to harvest (with permission, of course) team logos and integrating them into my site. This will accompany some CSS changes that will eventually overhaul the look of the site to be better on screen and on mobile. I just need a little something called talent first....

Website out of date for a bit

Written by JJ Glover on Feb 17, 2017

Just an alert to everyone, the tool I was using to extract data from the AHA site is no longer free. This was slightly unexpected and I don't have a replacement in place yet.

The goal always was to replace the tool with a custom one of my own. That is still the plan and I'll be working on it for the next couple of weeks. In the mean time, know that I am still working on improving the site and keeping it up to date.

Happy New Years Everyone!

Written by JJ Glover on Jan 01, 2017

Its been a while since I've posted, but that doesn't mean I've taken a break on anything. I've been working on CSS adjustments and new quality of life improvements as well. For starters, all stats pages now have a navigation button to change context from league wide to level to division. This changes allows people traverse stats pages a bit better without needing to go back to up a level to find the correct context.

The season navigation bar has undergone some changes too. A season selector will provide a drop-down of all seasons that have data in the database. Obviously this is a temporary change given that this list will eventually grow very large. For now, though, its a good temporary fix. When outside a "current season", a message will show up in this bar stating its an archived season and have links to active seasons.

The scores/schedule page has also undergone a facelift. I've changed the display from a table to a grid, and I plan to add additional data points for a quick preview and quick recap. There will be an option to switch between the two formats.

Next on my to do list is to overhaul the game recap sites and game results presentations. The recap page is a series of tables in a list view and I plan on reorganizing it to be easier to look at. I will also be looking to add team rankings and top scorers to any location that shows a preview of the game. That should keep me busy in the early part of 2017.

I will also be working on a submission forms for writing game recaps and team updates. Initially I will have the ability to do this and people can email me their submissions. However, I plan on setting up user accounts so that other people will be able to submit to the database as well.

Finally, I plan on setting up a donation site for this endeavour. Currently it is strictly a passion project/learning endeavour and not being supported by anything else. I'd like to at least be able to cover the costs of hosting the site and justify better the time I've spent and will continue to spend on the project. However, I will not be making this a pay-to-use site ever, either through subscriptions on this site or by passing the costs to the AHA (or other leagues). Simply, if you like what's going on here, feel free to buy me some server time (or a beer or two)!

Career Stats

Written by JJ Glover on Nov 20, 2016

Today I've finished adding the ability to filter out team and player stats by season/subseason/season+subseason breakdowns. This can help teams and players track how they're doing this year compared to previous years. I'll be adding an overall line as well to give the total number of wins or total number of goals for an individual, etc.

At some point I'll have to clean up the code that runs these stats pages. They are looking more and more like hack jobs than actual professional level code. Part of the problem is the lack of experience on my part. There's certainly a lack of planning that at some point will be necessary. However, for now I'm content with working code and when I feel like the site is more operational, than I'll do some much harder refactoring of code.

Next on the docket will focus on the game recap and schedule pages. I'll be adding a grid style schedule page to mirror an ESPN type schedule with some filtering options. Game previews will get a bit of an enhancement in adding team stats and player leaders to the page. Game recaps will have better CSS for displaying written recaps. I'm also looking forward to integrating some YouTube videos and images of the game as well. Doing this part well will be important in driving up content and realizing some of the potential of this site.

Took a break

Written by JJ Glover on Oct 04, 2016

I didn't realize the break I had taken in development of the site. Something about the offseason turned all of my productive drive. I'm just trying to get back into the habit of coding (and editing).

One of the first changes on the way back is to alter the CSS to be more mobile friendly. The framework around the page has been altered so that the width of anything is scaled to size of window. Any 2-column sections will rescale to 1-column as well.

Two things I'll be focusing on in the future are continued improvements to stat sheets. I'll be categorizing stats tables to show a bit less in one go, and showing it better with the room I save. The other thing is to focus on the playercard data page and get it ready to look like a true bio page. I'll be altering the stats display to group by season and sum, display subseasons in a better way, and provide other stat groupings as well. The goal here is to make the player page ready for people to create signins and alter there pages (add bio images or funny bio details).

Team Rankings and moving to CSS

Written by JJ Glover on Apr 29, 2016

Having a team rankings page has been something I've been meaning to put up for a while. There were several places where I thought having those numbers could be nice to have. Teams could do a quick comparison of their strengths and weaknesses. Rankings in the game preview page could provide a quick scouting report. These little stats are also going to be provided to a submit a story app to help write news articles, game previews. etc.

The team rankings are now up and CSS is being put into place to dress it appropriately on the site. The team rankings are one of the last statistical features I plan to implement in this development cycle. My focus is going to shift towards CSS development, both on standard pages as well as customization options for teams. Several coding adjustments will be going into place as well to make it easier to filter and move between different statistical populations.

Ending the Season

Written by JJ Glover on Apr 18, 2016

The winter season is over. For the most part, the website and underlying database worked as intended. Stats for teams and players that can be divided by subseason or create subtotals over several seasons. The standings page shows every stage of the season at all levels. The News system worked as intended by delivering a story on several steps.

Despite the several success, there is still many things that need to be worked on. Level and division management was a glaring problem in the database and how it was applied, causing several display problems that needed to be correct for the post-season. The database is being corrected, but several mentions of the old methodolgy needs to be altered to reflect the change. CSS also needs to be worked on globally. Team and player stats need a filter to account for the subseason. Team rankings still need to be coded as well

The Spring season has started and data has been loaded for the new season. Looking forward to the new season and to improve the site further. I'm hoping that each season there will be new experiences available for everyone to enjoy.

Painting a Playoff Picture

Written by JJ Glover on Mar 28, 2016

The News Feed system is performing pretty well for the first iteration. The system is setup so that news percolates upwards for the most part. Additional rules may be put in place as well to alter the behavior of news stories as well. Otherwise, the only thing that's missing is an interface for people other than me to populate the news feed.

With the regular season ending, the database needs to receive the playoff schedule and teams need to be added to the postseason portion. Additional filters will also be added to statistics sections to filter data by all post-season, a group stage, the regular season, or all of the above.

CSS updates are also being made to the overall site. The process is causing me to relook at my code and some of the early stuff I'm realizing...isn't pretty. This whole thing was meant to be a learning process for me, and looking back I can definitely tell I've improved in programming, but its tough to go back.

News Feeds

Written by JJ Glover on Feb 23, 2016

It took far longer to get everything in place for an adequate news feed (and adequate is the best I'm going to say about it), but it has been implemented on two different levels. Straight News Articles can be created and will show up in designated news feeds on any homepage. The news distributor designates the "floor" that these articles will show up on and will percolate upwards towards the season home page. This can be prevented with an attribute, so if a team wants to create an article for its own team, they can do that.

On top of that, a special game recap system is also in place by modifying the game recap script. If a recap is detected, a menu will appear to allow users to go between a boxscore, and any recaps that are available. Special designations have been created if its a home or away team recap, but third parties can also write a story as well.

Before anyone says anything, yes I know the sites are still ugly. A CSS overhaul is now very near the top of the list of things to do for the site. Also near the top is a special team stats page for teams that calculate their rank on various metrics. Additional navigation options are also on the docket for when you want to alter the inclusion criteria for the player and team stats pages.

Images for everyone!

Written by JJ Glover on Feb 09, 2016

Development continues to be slow as other life events have sort of taken over for a bit. However, I've been able to keep up the data entry and correct some data errors that have cropped up from the previous build of the data entry interface.

In addition, I've added a spot for team and player images to appear. The system is setup to allow for player pictures to be assigned by team instances along with the historical player cards. This means that a player's image can be different for different teams and stored over time as well. Teams have the same benefit of storing logos over time. The height right now is 150px for images, but that could change depending on design changes to header and nav interface.

On top of CSS changes to the header, a news feature is also still a pending feature that will most likely be next. The technical part of the feature is still being contemplated. Game recaps will be possible from both teams involved in any given game, along with a third party. But how it gets implemented in the level/division/team levels is still up for debate. Implementing other articles is also something I need to give some thought on. For instances, does everything a team writes be brought up to a division and level page?

Finally, I need to work up the legal side and mull over establishing this as a business entity, or if this can be considered a hobby. Either way, I expect a donate button to show up on the site soon. During the development phase, I don't want to implement any pay walls for something that's not done yet. I may even keep up a "pay-what-you-want" structure even when the dev phase is over with. I don't want to make this project a mandatory cost for the AHA as everyone will probably not care about stats as much as I do.

Bug squashing

Written by JJ Glover on Jan 28, 2016

Data entry is caught up!

The data entry section is now up to date across the site. The women's division had to undergo some revisions with one of the teams moving up to the Women's Upper level. The beginner level was also created and is now up to date as well. There were a couple of forfeits encountered that I still need to decide what stats should be included.

Some bugs will be quashed in the next couple of days. The pageinator is skipping a record currently. Going from team to division actually takes you to the level instead. And I will be adding a filter for sub goalies. I may need to do some additional rules on who counts as a "sub goalie" in case a team's starter is injured for a period of time and they have another starter.

Getting back to looks

Written by JJ Glover on Jan 20, 2016

Happy belated New Year!

I'm just getting back into the swing of things here. The database is largely up to date again and should be for the forseeable future. I'll be contacting the AHA soon to get information on playoffs to prepare for that part of the season. I felt that the database is well equipped to handle the difference between regular and postseason play. I just need to make sure the CSS and HTML are up to displaying it.

Speaking of, the next round of updates will focus on the CSS and HTML portion of the site. Making tables more readable and the site more attractive in general will be a priority. The homepages for a season/division/level/team will be getting an especially close look since that will be the place people focus on the most (I think). I will also be working on adding CSS values to the database and testing dynamically generated CSS to make it easy to customize team and player pages.

An additional feature that will be implemented soon is the news feature. This will include team updates, game recaps, as well any analysis at a division or league level.

Last Update of 2015!

Written by JJ Glover on Dec 21, 2015

Testing of the data entry tool continues on with a fairly good success rate. Some team's shots for and shots against numbers were off, but I think that was a one time thing not related to the data entry process. The weekend results will be entered today. Some stats tweets went out to teams over the weekend as well to see what kind of response it would get. A schedule bug was squashed and the page selector is now working as intended.

The next couple of days will be focused on more minor quality of life improvements and bug squashing. No more major enhancements until the next year as I will be in a foreign country. Data entry may also be slow as a result of no access to the internet. Eventually the data entry process will make automated checks to enter in information, but I doubt I'll have time to really get such a process of the ground without introducing more bugs.

Next month I will be focusing on CSS improvements along with a news feed system to give league/division/team pages more life. At some point I'll also introduce a login system to give teams the ability to write their own game recaps and news articles. This system will eventually be expanded to allow players to customize their own pages, teams to introduce their own colors to team pages, organizational pages, etc.

But for this year, the goal is to complete the statistics package and make sure that the website is at least usable from a technical perspective. I can worry about the glitter in 2016.

Happy new year to everyone! I'll see you all in 2016.

Success with fetching games!

Written by JJ Glover on Dec 17, 2015

I've completed the data entry process. It was far smoother than I anticipated despite the fact that my name check function wasn't the most robust. I'll still have issues with people possessing similar names but for most cases it worked as designed (some Resch's may need to contact me in the future). The database is now up to date and should be pretty close to accurate. I'll be correcting issues for the next several days or weeks, but I am confident in the numbers being at least close.

I'll be returning to improving the front end (much preferred). CSS changes, particularly to the game recap and big tables will need to be completed. Readability as a whole will need to be looked at. I'll be going through a bunch of changes so hang in there with me.

I'll be adding some additional statistics as well. Shot efficiency ((goals-empty net)/(shots-empty net)), defensive efficiency, and possibly team +/- on special teams could be added.

Pretending like I know how to test

Written by JJ Glover on Dec 09, 2015

The data entry process has passed all the transition tests. Need to run a couple more overall tests to see if certain stats are not calculating properly. However, it looks like sometime this weekend or next week the database will be brought up to speed. It'll be good to get back into front end development over backend issues.

Automating data entry

Written by JJ Glover on Dec 07, 2015

Nuances have been coded in so empty net shots are attributed correctly. Haven't found a recent example of a tie game with two different shot counts to test.

Tomorrow is dedicated to altering the manual data entry code to accept arrays from the auto system. Once that's done, I'll finally be able to catch the system up and have up to the date stats, which is why we are all here!

Also had an idea of providing upcoming game schedules for players on multiple teams. Filtering by subs will be an option as well (for all those goalies out there).

Empty Net Bug

Written by JJ Glover on Dec 06, 2015

Implementing an automated data entry process has taken longer than I thought. Little nuances in the data take a very long time to code. However, most of the system has ben completed. There's still small adjustments that I'd like to implement, such as ensuring OT shots count if the game is a tie (AHA stat site does not always show OT shots) and empty net shot attribution (AHA stat site gives EN shot to opposite goalie).

Game Winning/Tying goals were just completed, along with powerplay chances vs matching minors. The primary issue to go is modifying the manual entry php file to accept the arrays created by the new system.